This page is a test area for anything cool or interesting I want to try out in JavaScript.
Don't expect it to be pretty.

toggle div
This is text to be hidden or showed when needed.
Useful for histories or help information

repeatCheck(elem, pwdFieldID)
This form is just to show off a few input scripts, it does not go anywhere.
These first two inputs simulate the functionality of a combo box. Values can be selected from the select box or entered directly.
A simple password strength checker (no dictionary lookup)
Password to check:
Hardcoded field name ver:
Repeat Password: repeatCheck(elem, pwdFieldID)
Just 3 of 4, display logic in page:
Email field validation
from JS&DHTML Cookbook p194:
some testing I did before the combo box, hardcoded element names
some sort of inputs:
playing with images

modified 5-20-05